
You can find our records in almost every country in Europe. We are still working every day to expand the list. If you are a store and want to sell our records you can contact our distributors directly:

Spain & Portugal

Gaudisc S.L.

Calle L’historiador Maians, 7 – Bj, Barcelona, 08026, Barcelona, España

Tel: +34 934355441



Rue Pasteur BP 30035 91790 Boissy sous saint Yon, France

Tel: +33 6 52 55 08 56

e-mail: francois.segre@socadisc.com

Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands & Luxembourg)

Sonic Rendezvous

Berenkoog 53c 1822 BN Alkmaar, The Netherlands

Tel. + 31 (0) 72 567 3030

e-mail: info@sonicrendezvous.com

Germany & Austria

Klassik Center Kassel

Glöcknerpfad 47, D-34134 Kassel, Germany

Tel. +49 561 81507461

e-mail: r.kahleyss@klassikcenter-kassel.de